Iron for Plants

Iron is an important nutrient for all green plants. Iron is needed to produce chlorophyll, hence its deficiency results a plant disorder known as chlorosis.

Symptoms of Iron Deficiency (Iron Chlorosis)

The term chlorosis means a general yellowing of the leaves. Many factors contribute to chlorosis.

Iron chlorosis refers to a yellowing caused by an iron deficiency in the leaf tissues. The primary symptoms of iron deficiency include interveinal chlorosis in which veins remain green while the space between the veins turn yellow. In severe cases, leaves may become pale yellow or whitish, but veins retain a greenish cast. iron-chlorosis-maple

Angular shaped brown spots may develop between veins and leaf margins may scorch (brown along the edge).

Symptoms of iron chlorosis include yellowing of the leaf with veins remaining green.
Iron chlorosis shows first and more severely on the newer growth at branch tips. Growing leaves may be smaller than normal.

Iron deficiency results new leaves with insufficient chlorophyll.Iron_Chlorosis_1
Leaves may eventually curl, dry up, and fall. Fruits may be small with a bitter flavor. Mildly affected plants become unsightly and grow poorly. In severe cases or if iron chlorosis persists over several years, individual limbs or the entire plant may die.

It is common for iron chlorosis to show on a single branch or on one side of a tree. This is particularly common for plant species with marginal winter hardiness and on the southwest side of the tree following winter injury. Plant species and varieties vary greatly in their susceptibility to iron deficiency.

Any plant may be affected, but raspberries and pears are particularly susceptible, as well as Iron_Deficiency_Lmost acid-loving plants such as azaleas and camellias. On junipers, pines, and other evergreens, chlorosis usually develops as an overall yellowing of needles.
Iron is necessary for the formation of chlorophyll, which is responsible for the green color in plants and necessary for photosynthesis (sugar production in plants). Any reduction in chlorophyll during the growing season reduces plant growth, vigor, and tolerance to stress conditions. Plants with reduced vigor from iron chlorosis are more prone to winter injury, and winter injury may aggravate an iron chlorosis problem. Weakened plants also are more susceptible to other diseases and insect infestations.

Treatment of Iron Deficiency or Chlorosis in Plants

If the soil or the growth media does not contain enough iron for, this condition can be treated by adding iron powder. If the soil already contains iron but you are still experiencing iron deficiency symptoms in your plants, then you must verify the soil pH and the soil humidity. Alkaline soil does not allow the release of iron ions and results chlorosis also known as lime induced chlorosis. Iron deficiency may also happen if the soil is over saturated with water. Iron powder has many advantages to other iron compounds including low cost, slow release and long term effect.

Iron Powder for Treatment of Chlorosis

Almost every type of iron powder can be used for the treatment of Iron chlorosis. The most common types of iron powder for plants are S70, S70SQ, S100 and IRON200C. Most iron s70-iron-powder-and-clumpspowders used for plants contain about 95% or more metallic iron. Use of iron powder in treatment of chlorosis can be up to 100 times more cost effective in compare to other forms of iron such as Iron Sulfate or chelated iron compounds.


  1. Iron is mainly used to correct chlorosis (yellowing of leaves) in Plants
  2. Iron powder gradually changes to Water Soluble iron compounds
  3. Iron is essential for chlorophyll production
  4. Iron Promotes energy transfers
  5. Iron is required in photosynthesis
  6. Iron is a part of the enzyme system needed for plant respiration
  7. Iron is required for the formation of some proteins
  8. Iron promotes healthy growth in plants

Where can I buy Iron Powder for plants?

Small, medium and large quantities of Iron powders can be purchased directly from All orders must be placed online. For special discounts on large orders please call 973-405-6248.